Israel-Palestine war: A brief history of Gaza's 75 years of woe Held by the Ottoman Empire until 1917, it passed from British to Egyptian to Israeli military rule over the last century and is now a fenced-in enclave inhabited by over 2 million Palestinians. Gaza is a coastal strip of land that lay on ancient trading and maritime routes along the Mediterranean shore. Held by the Ottoman Empire until 1917, it passed from British to Egyptian to Israeli military rule over the last century and is now a fenced-in enclave inhabited by over 2 million Palestinians. Here are some of the major milestones in its recent history. Some glimpses of Israel Palestine conflict: Background - the roots of the conflict can be traced back to the late 19th and early 20th century when Jewish immigration to Palestine, then under Ottoman rule, began to increase. The Zionist movement, which sought of establish a Jewish homeland in Palestine, gained momentum during this period. Balfour Declaration (191...
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