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Why Homo Neanderthal Man evolved after Erect Man ?


Neanderthal Man (Man of Neander Valley):

Neanderthal man, or Neanderthals, were an extinct species of hominins closely related to modern humans. They lived in Europe and parts of Asia from around 400,000 years ago until about 40,000 years ago (middle to upper Pleistocene epoch) Neanderthals are known for their distinctive physical features, including a robust body and large brow ridges. 
They had a complex culture and made tools, used fire and social structures. There is evidence of interbreeding between Neanderthals and modern humans, with many peoples of non-African descent today carrying some Neanderthal DNA in their genomes.
First fossil discovered by William King in 1856 in Neander Valley, Germany. 

In Anthropology, the study Neanderthals plays a significant role to understand human evolution and the diversity of hominin species. Some key aspects of Neanderthals in anthropology:

Human Evolution: Neanderthals represent close relatives to modern humans and provide valuable insights into the common ancestry and divergence of various hominin species. 

Physical Characteristics: Anthropologists study the physical traits and morphology of Neanderthals, such as their robust build, large cranial capacity, and distinctive facial features, to understand their adaptations and possible ways of life.

Cultural and technological advancements: Neanderthals are known for their tool making skills, use of fire and artistic expression through cave paintings and ornaments. Anthropologists analyze these aspects to gain insights into their cognitive abilities and culture.

Behaviour and social structure: researchers explore the social organisation, hunting, technique and lifestyle of Neanderthals. This includes understanding their family structures, group dynamics, and hunting strategies.

Genetic Interactions: Anthropologists also study the genetic legacy of Neanderthals in modern humans. The evidence of interbreeding between Neanderthals and early Homo Sapiens has raised questions about the extent to which Neanderthals contributed to the genetic diversity of our species. 

Biological and environmental factors: Anthropologists examine the factors that may have led to the extinction of Neanderthals, considering aspects like climate change, competition with modern humans, and potential diseases.

Comparative Analysis: Comparative studies between Neanderthals and other hominin species help Anthropologists understand the unique characteristics and adaptations of each species in the context of human evolution. 

Neanderthals continue to be a subject of extensive research and fascination in the field of anthropology, shedding light on the complex and interconnected history of human evolution. 


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