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Places in News for UPSC 2024
Kilauea Volcano Eruption:
• Location: Southern part of the Island of Hawaii (Big Island)
• Characteristics: Youngest and most active shield volcano
• Noteworthy Feature: Large summit caldera with a central crater
Al-Hakim Mosque Visit by Indian Prime Minister:
Location: Cairo, Egypt
Historical Significance: Named after Al-Hakim bi-Amr Allah, the Fatimid caliph
UNESCO Recognition: Designated as a World Heritage Site in 1979
Restoration: Undertaken with the support of the Dawoodi Bohra community
Differences between Kula, Potlatch and Moka system of Exchange Distribution, gift giving and exchanging constitute a big issue for archaic societies. In the Western world the natural monetary economy is based on the principle of achieving a material profit during every transaction. That does not mean, however, that it is applicable in all cultures that in an exchange trade both sides must obtain the same economic benefit. In the 1950’s the economic historian Karl Polanyi developed a system for classifying the different modes of the distribution of commodities. He identified three different types: reciprocity, redistribution and trade exchange . Both redistribution and the existence of market are subject to the activities of the central power organisations and therefore these categories are typical of those societies with advanced power and economic hierarchies. More interesting for us therefore will be the reciprocal relationships in archaic societies. Reciproci...
Homo Habilis (Handi Man) Recent Development of Homo Habilis: While scientists used to think that H. Habilis was the ancestor of Homo Erectus, recent discoveries in 2000 of relatively late 1.44 million years old Homo Habilis and a relatively early 1.55 million years old H. Erectus from the same area of northern Kenya (Lake Turkana) challenged the conventional view that these species evolved one after the other. Instead, this evidence - along with other fossils - demonstrate that they coexisted in eastern Africa for almost a half million years. Structure: Homo Habilis, which means "handi man" is an extinct species of hominid that lived approximately 2.4 to 1.4 million years ago during the early Pleistocene epoch. Fossils of Homo Habilis was first discovered by L. S. B. Leaky in 1964. Homo Habilis is considered as the important transitional species in human evolution, as it represents a significant step in development of the Homo genus and the emergence of traits ...
Class - 1 Sources for the history of Modern India: Introduction The records of the East India Company provide a detailed account of trading conditions during the period 1600-1857. When the British crown took over the administration, it also kept a large variety and volume of official records . These records help historians to trace every important development stage-by-stage and follow the processes of decision - making and the psychology of the policy-makers . The records of the other European East India companies (the Portuguese, Dutch and French) are also useful for constructing the history of the 17th and 18th centuries. Archival Materials 1. Central Government Archives The National Archives of India , located in New Delhi, contains most of the archives of the Government of India. These provide authentic and reliable source materials on varied aspects of modern Indian history. The records with the National Archives come under vari...
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